About the BSFA ReviewThe BSFA Review is our regular publication providing reviews of the latest SFF literature and associated works. We aim to cover as much of the SFF field as possible, whether it is traditional or contemporary science fiction and/or fantasy. We are also interested in fiction and non-fiction material that is not directly SFF but may be of related interest to the genre, including themes like horror and war. This means that as well as books, we also try to feature reviews of comics, graphic novels, spoken word, films, plays, exhibitions, etc. We are willing to consider all appropriate material, so please contact us with your suggestions. If you are interested in reviewing for the BSFA Review, please contact the Editor, Ruth Watkin: ruthwatkin4@gmail.com. Please subject-head your emails with ‘BSFA Review’. Digital copies of books and other works for reviewing should be sent to the following e-address: ruthwatkin4@gmail.com Hard copies of books and other works for reviewing should be sent to the following address: BSFA Reviews
The latest edition of the BSFA Review is available for members. Please log into the website and go to the Members Digital Editions page. |