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  • 26/06/2021 16:29 | Anonymous member

    Alison Scott, one of the Guests of Honour from this year's mini-convention, co-hosted with the Science Fiction Foundation.

    Here are some of the links Alison mentioned:

    Café Moose - you need to be my pal, on FB, Discord, or so on - if this sounds like something you want to do then get in touch

    Buy my badges:

    and t-shirts:

    London First Thursday meetings -

    Octothorpe - (or your favourite browser)

    GUFF -

    Punctuation -

    Alison doing a barbershop quartet:

    Alison singing a barbershop quartet in the style of William Shatner:

    DisCon III has a virtual membership -

  • 25/06/2021 19:42 | Anonymous member

    We've got some fun stuff happening online tomorrow, including panels, writing sessions, and interviews. If you're a member, you will have already got your invites. If you're not a member, you can still attend most of these sessions for free: there's more info here.

    10.00 // 50 Years of the SFF

    Join eminent panellists Edward James, Roz Kaveney, Farah Mendlesohn, and Andy Sawyer, to reflect on the history of science fiction criticism, and in the particular role of the Science Fiction Foundation. Moderated by Maureen Kincaid-Speller, facilitated by Ali Baker.

    10.00 // Shhh ... Just Write! Co-Writing Session 1

    We’ll chat briefly at the beginning and spend most of the session writing. You can bring your own work-in-progress, or respond to one of the writing prompts or exercises provided. Co-hosted by Jo Lindsay Walton and Yen Ooi.

    11.00 // John Clute

    An interview with our first Guest of Honor, the prolific, polemic, and perspicacious SF critic John Clute. Moderated by Paul March-Russell, facilitated by Farah Mendlesohn.

    12.00 // BSFA AGM

    Members only. The Annual General Meeting of the British Science Fiction Association. Chaired by Allen Stroud. The agenda can be found here. All members should have received your Zoom link on 21 June, and in two earlier emails. If you're missing the link, or if you can't attend but would like to vote, please get in touch with at least 48 prior to the AGM.

    12.00 // Glasgow in 2024 Presents Roll for Armadillo: Diverse Possibilities within TRPGs

    Join panellists Esther MacCallum-Stewart, Paul Anthony Shortt, and Grace Worm for a lively exploration of the world of tabletop roleplaying. Moderated by Emma French.

    13.30 // SF Foundation AGM

    Members only. The Annual General Meeting of the Science Fiction Association. Chaired by Graham Sleight. SFF members, please RSVP to ensure you get your invite.

    13.30 // Shhhhhh ... Just Write Some More! Co-Writing Session 2

    We’ll say hello briefly at the beginning and spend most of the session writing. You can bring your own work-in-progress, continue something from the morning session, or start something new in response to the writing prompts we’ll provide. Co-hosted by Yen Ooi and Francis Gene-Rowe.

    14.30 // SF on Trial: SF and the Law

    Join our panellists Gautam Bhatia, Ida Keogh, Caroline Mersey, and Adrian Tchaikovsky, as we talk about law and justice in science fiction, and maybe even put science fiction itself in the dock. Moderated by Jo Lindsay Walton, facilitated by Francis Gene-Rowe.

    14.30 // Lasers & Feelings

    Join SF authors, publishers and critics as they explore strange new worlds … and maybe some strange new feelings too. With Eryn Levine, David Moore, Trip Galey, Russell Smith, and Emma Newman. Moderated by Eryn Levine, facilitated by Allen Stroud.

    15.30 // Alison Scott

    Our Guest of Honour, the incomparable Alison Scott, will talk about ‘My Year in Virtual Fandom,’ followed by Q&A. Moderated by Farah Mendlesohn, facilitated by Jo Lindsay Walton.

    16.30 // Tade Thompson

    Join our Guest of Honour, Tade Thompson, author of the Wormwood Trilogy and many more brilliant and twisted tales, in conversation with Caroline Mersey. Moderated by Caroline Mersey, facilitated by Jo Lindsay Walton.

  • 07/06/2021 16:48 | Anonymous member

    If you're a BSFA member, just save the date! No need to register in advance. You'll receive your invitation, including Zoom links, in an email on 21 June.

    SFF members, please register by emailing your Chair.


    • 10:00am // 50 Year Anniversary of the Science Fiction Foundation
    • 10:00am // Shhhh ... just write!
    • 11:00am // Guest of Honour: John Clute
    • 12:00am // Glasgow in 2024 presents ... Roll for Armadillo: Diverse Possibilities in TRPGs
    • 1:00pm // Lunch
    • 1:30pm // Shhhhh ... just write some more!
    • 2:30pm // SF on Trial
    • 2:30pm // Lasers & Feelings
    • 3:30pm // Guest of Honour: Alison Scott
    • 4:30pm // Guest of Honour: Tade Thompson

    More details here, including what to do if you want to attend but you're not a BSFA or SFF member.

    Need help?

    BSFA members, if you can't see your invite links by 21 June, please get in touch with Luke at You can also contact Luke (at least 48 hours prior) if you won't be able to attend but would like to vote on one of the motions (as per the new Constitution).

  • 18/05/2021 21:32 | Anonymous member

    Save the date: the BSFA Annual General Meeting with take place on 26 June at noon UK time, as part of a mini-convention jointly organised with Science Fiction Foundation.

    More information will be arriving in your regular email newsletter later this month.

    If you're not currently a member, why not join now?

  • 04/04/2021 21:40 | Anonymous member

    The BSFA is delighted to announce the winners of the 2020 BSFA Awards.

    Congratulations to all the winners and nominees. The BSFA Awards are annual awards voted for by the memberships of the BSFA and Eastercon. This year's awards ceremony was livestreamed at Eastercon (Confusion) and on YouTube, and will soon be available on the BSFA Chair YouTube channel.

  • 01/04/2021 23:20 | Anonymous member

    The British Science Fiction Association is pleased to present the 2021 BSFA lecture at ConFusion, this year’s online Eastercon. Dr. Ariella Elema will present a lecture on “Nothing is Inevitable, or How to Hold a Trial by Combat”. It will feature swords, manuscripts, and legal history.

    The talk will be at 15:00 on Sunday, 4 April 2021. Membership in the Eastercon is required to attend.

    Dr. Ariella Elema is a legal historian and archivist living in Toronto, Canada. Sometimes she gets to peer at mysterious manuscripts in dead languages. Periodically, she gets to say "Egad! I think I've found it!" It's not entirely unlike being a wizard. Right now, she's writing a history of trial by combat.

    The BSFA Lecture is intended as a companion to the George Hay Lecture, which is presented at the Eastercon by the Science Fiction Foundation. Where the Hay Lecture invites scientists, the BSFA Lecture invites academics from the arts and humanities, because we recognise that science fiction fans aren’t only interested in science. The lecturers are given a remit to speak “on a subject that is likely to be of interest to science fiction fans” – i.e. on whatever they want! This is the 12th BSFA Lecture.

  • 15/03/2021 14:35 | Anonymous member


    Wondering where to send your latest short SFF masterpiece?

    • First of all, don't sleep on Fission, the BSFA's own brand new fiction publication, ed. Allen Stroud. Fission is planned as an annual publication, and our next submissions window will be in late 2020 or early 2021.
    • is a fantastic resource. Don't be misled by that gorgeous 90s decor: it's regularly and reliably updated (never change, Ralan!).
    • Locus is also a great source of industry news, and contains a lot of reviews of short SFF that might give you ideas of where to explore further. Locus also does a regular year-in-review of major SFF magazines.
    • Submission Grinder is a sort of crowdsourced tool where writers can collectively keep track of publication response times. Duotrope is the other big market listing / submission tracker.
    • This Facebook group is devoted to posting calls for submissions.
    • You might also be interested in the Science Fiction Writers' Association's list of "qualifying markets". There's a note that this list is slated to change in format soon. Qualifying markets must have circulations of 1000+ and pay 8c/word, and meet some other criteria.
    • And for just a few quick ideas, here's a recent-ish listicle by Annie Neugebauer, '20 Places to Submit Your Speculative Short Stories.'

    Crit circles, workshops, courses, retreats

    Looking to be part of a community of writers and develop your craft?

    Local groups

    There are of course many more. If you've got a special group you'd like to mention, please comment (or email and we'll add it).

  • 11/03/2021 21:26 | Anonymous member

    We are excited to announce the contents of the inaugural issue of Fission, ed. Allen Stroud:

    • 'The Aminals Marched in Two By Two' by Syeda Fatima Muhammad
    • 'A Pall of Moondust' by Nick Wood
    • 'Lyonesses' by So Mayer
    • 'The Lego Calf' by Jon Bilbao (trans. from the Spanish)
    • 'The Witch and the Elderman' by Peter Haynes
    • 'The Trip' by Michael Crouch
    • 'Etaerio' by Rosie Oliver
    • 'The First and Last Safe Place' by C. John Arthur
    • 'Here' by Gene Rowe
    • 'The Blood Between Us' by Katherine Franklin
    • 'Wanderlust' by Eugen Bacon & E. Don Harp
    • 'Time Keep' by Elad Haber
    • 'Power of Attorney' by Louis Evans
    • 'I Love Google Maps / Death to Google Part 1' by Paul Beacon

    So Mayer's 'Lyonesses' will also be translated into Spanish for Celsius.

    For a little more info, see the latest newsletter.

  • 02/03/2021 15:20 | Anonymous member

    Members of the BSFA and those registered for ConFusion 2021 — this year's Eastercon — should now have received a link to their ballot, plus a digital copy of the Awards Booklet. (If you are a member of the BSFA or ConFusion, but have not received a ballot email, please contact Luke Nicklin, BSFA Membership Officer:

    A physical copy of the awards booklet will be mailed later this month to members of the BSFA, together with Vector #293.

    The BSFA Awards will be presented at ConFusion, which will be held online 2-5th April 2021. Voting will close at noon on the day the awards ceremony is held (likely to be Saturday 3 April; watch this space for confirmation).

    A physical copy of the awards booklet will be mailed later this month to members of the BSFA, together with Vector #293.

    Cover of BSFA 2020 Awards Booklet: a megastructure suspended among asteroids, billowing clouds, and glowing lights


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