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  • 31/08/2024 09:19 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Transparent Minds in Science Fiction cover

    Transparent Minds in Science Fiction: An Introduction to Alien, AI and Post-Human Consciousness by Paul Matthews

    (OpenBook Publishers, 2023)

    Reviewed by Steven French

    Almost fifty years ago, the philosopher Thomas Nagel posed the question “What is it like to be a bat?” as a way of illuminating the ineluctably subjective nature of consciousness. Noting that Nagel himself acknowledged that imagination offers a way of approaching the issue (p. 8), Matthews displays an impressive array of examples throughout this introductory survey to support his core claim that,

    ‘…science fiction with a psycho-emotional flavour can provide new insight into both current human consciousness and also possible future states of consciousness in both ourselves and the machines we create.’ (p. 2)

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  • 24/08/2024 09:26 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    The Book of Beasts cover

    The Book of Beasts by Andrew Screen

    (Headpress, 2023)

    Reviewed by Stuart Carter

    I was born during the 1970s, when Nigel Kneale’s Beasts was on TV, but this was long before I knew who he was. However, I became a fan of his work from a young age after seeing the Quatermass films repeated in various BBC2 science fiction seasons (usually, I seem to recall, around six o‘clock on a weekday).These seasons were mostly composed of Cold War-era US movies, so these films stood out because, well, they weren’t American; but also because they had a middle-aged scientist as the hero, and managed to be subtle yet exciting, in a way that my ten-year-old self—somewhat to his own surprise—loved.

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  • 20/08/2024 19:26 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Writing the Future cover

    Writing the Future: Essays on Crafting Science Fiction edited by Dan Coxon and Richard V. Hirst

    (Dead Ink, 2023)

    Reviewed by Nick Hubble

    I work as an academic within what is now called a Division of English and Creative Writing, which began life illegitimately (just ask ‘Quality Assurance’ about the provenance of the paperwork and the insufficiently distinct ‘learning outcomes’) and has gradually transformed into a marriage of convenience. Once sharp distinctions and hierarchies have blurred over the years as the balance of power (i.e., relative student recruitment rates) has shifted and changes to the way universities are managed in recent years mean that virtually no one outside the Division has a clue what any of us do or that there ever was a binary divide between us. We all write stuff and do research that other academics don’t consider to be real research. As a result, we and all our equivalents across the UK HE sector melted together into a primordial gloop some years ago and strange new hybridised creative-critical forms have been lumbering forth, monster-like, ever since. Writing the Future is part of a growing body of evidence that this new species is now fertile and populating in the wild.

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  • 17/08/2024 09:40 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Monsters, Aliens, and Holes in the Ground cover

    Monsters, Aliens, and Holes in the Ground by Stu Horvath

    (MIT Press, 2023)

    Reviewed by Alex Bardy

    Here’s a book that was always going to be ‘up my alley’, especially as it comprehensively covers the earliest generation of roleplaying games back when they really began to gain popularity and momentum here in the UK. This is what I’ve always considered ‘my RPG generation’, so to speak, and it’s a time in which magazines like White Dwarf, Imagine, Dragon, The Space Gamer, Different Worlds, Challenge, Travellers’ Digest, and untold fanzines flooded the market and helped inspire a generation of gamers and wordsmiths, myself included.

    For those readers wondering just who Stu Horvath is, may I direct you to the website—it’s an extremely pleasant, tidy little corner of the internet in which Stu regularly talks about his massive collection of historic tabletop RPG goodies, alongside a thorough appreciation of classic comic/RPG art (mostly pre-millennial). It’s also the home of the Vintage RPG Podcast, a weekly podcast Stu hosts with John McGuire, and a great listen, too!

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  • 13/08/2024 19:59 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Mothtown cover

    Mothtown by Caroline Hardaker

    (Angry Robot, 2023)

    Reviewed by Niall Harrison

    It begins After. The narrator of Mothtown, David Porter, is “a human knot”, falling. He hits his head, lies in the earth awhile, then forces himself upwards. He is looking for “the two shadows”, but they seem to be hiding. He’s running, sliding, scrabbling down a craggy valley that is “coated in dead brown grass like hair on a giant”. The sky is “a dirty chalkboard”. It’s quiet. Michale had told him it hadn’t been that kind of town for thousands of years, but David is still amazed by its emptiness, “its naked hills burning beneath the stars.” And it shouldn’t have taken this long to reach the door. But perhaps—he hopes—he can still get there before the shadows catch him.

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  • 10/08/2024 08:46 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    The Pale House Devil cover

    The Pale House Devil by Richard Kadrey

    (Titan Books, 2023)

    Reviewed by Kate Onyett

    This novella may be shorter in length, but it is long on heart and has some fantastically revolting moments that drop you right into a very special type of “ick”. Fans of darkly humorous, supernatural, violent urban fantasy will love this story. Hey, that’s not so niche if each type of fan got together and agreed to a movie night, because if this was on screen, they would all have a baller of a time.

    This is what I hope is the first in a new series for Kadrey, who earned his dark fantasy/horror chops with the highly enjoyable Sandman Slim series. Likewise, this book is set in a world where magic and monsters are real, and properly applied violence can be a force for good. Well, a force for better. C’mon, you’re reading fantasy horror, morals take a seat at the door (it’s more fun that way).

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  • 06/08/2024 16:25 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Bloom cover

    Bloom by Delilah S. Dawson

    (Titan Books, 2023)

    Reviewed by Harry Slater

    The forbidden basement has always been the horror genre’s most heavy-handed metaphor. Beneath the above-ground facade lurks a horrifying truth that the antagonist is trying to hide; plumb the depths of their psyche and you’ll discover severed limbs, swinging rusty chains, fluids of unspeakable origin.

    There are interesting ways to handle this trope, avenues that can be explored that shift the expectation of the reader. Or it can be tossed at them like a lump of heavy flesh, subtle as a cleaver. Bloom, by New York Times bestselling author Delilah S. Dawson, is a twee romance that stumbles towards its inevitable subterranean bloodbath with a lazy gait, never really seeding the horror it intends to unleash, and once it arrives delivering it with an unsatisfying squelch instead of a glorious arterial spray.

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  • 03/08/2024 09:02 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    The Collector cover

    The Collector by Laura Kat Young

    (Titan Books, 2023)

    Reviewed by John Dodds

    If there were ever to be a science fictional equivalent to Ken Kesey’s great novel, One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest Laura Kat Young’s The Collector fits the bill perfectly.

    I can honestly say this is one of the very best science fiction/horror novels I have read for some time. And while I am always a little cautious about over-praising, in my view this novel stands on a par with classics like Orwell’s 1984 and Burgess’s A Clockwork Orange. Yes, it is that good.

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  • 30/07/2024 16:41 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    All Hallows cover

    All Hallows by Christopher Golden

    (Titan Books, 2023)

    Reviewed by Steven French

    I started this book just before Halloween but didn’t finish it until Bonfire Night, which is a fair indication of how little it actually gripped me. Which was disappointing, as I’ve been a fan of Golden’s work for some while, not least his comics-based collaboration with Mike Mignola. The story itself has all the ingredients of an atmospheric and creepy yarn: a quiet suburban neighbourhood where the Halloween preparations mask long-kept secrets and lies which finally erupt into the open just as something much, much worse stalks out of the nearby woods. Yet somehow it just couldn’t muster enough of a chilling effect to keep me turning the pages. Partly that’s due to the ‘tell, repeatedly, rather than show’ approach which by spelling everything out leaves little to the imagination and so deflates any tension or sense of mounting horror. And partly it’s because of the structure of the book which, with its chapters cycling through the points of view of different characters, generates a narrative that is just a little too choppy to sustain the scares.

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  • 27/07/2024 09:36 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Camp Damascus cover

    Camp Damascus by Chuck Tingle

    (Titan Books, 2023)

    Reviewed by Kate Onyett

    Chuck Tingle is an internet philosopher and a spirit on the electronic winds, best known, perhaps, for his e-novellas of seminal erotic fiction. You know the ones: “Pounded In The Butt By [human, animal, objects, metaphysical concepts]”. He espouses above all love in all its forms and self-determination.

    Camp Damascus is his first ‘serious’ novel, about a demonically successful gay conversion camp run by a conservative Christian sect. It is a journey of revelation for Rose, a devout 20-year-old honestly devoted to the teachings of the sect. A clever, sheltered, fact-curious and mildly autistic woman, Rose’s life is complicated with feelings of attraction for girls. We begin at a wholesome social at a local waterfall with her friends and peers under a warm summer sun, but things quickly get weird. She spots a literal demoness on the cliff opposite and later at home coughs up a load of mayflies.

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