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BSFA Review: What The River Knows by Isabel Ibañez

15/07/2024 16:21 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

What The River Knows cover

What The River Knows by Isabel Ibañez

(Hodderscape, 2023)

Reviewed by John Dodd

Together We Burn surprised me when I read it, I wasn’t expecting to like it anywhere near as much as I did, particularly with the nature of the story. With that in mind, I took a chance on reading What the River Knows, which turned out to be something else entirely.

Inez Olivera is an adventuress in the making, her mother and father are famous explorers and are missing much of the time because of their ongoing adventures. Until they die, and Inez is left with the mystery of what happened, but more importantly, the same adventurous spirit to journey out to unknown lands and find out what happened to them. Thus begins a twisting tale of death, revenge, and mysterious artifacts. After reading Together We Burn, I was expecting betrayals and complex familial situations, and nothing to be what it had been set up to be by the end of the book, and I was not disappointed.

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Review from BSFA Review 23 - Download your copy here.


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