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BSFA Review: The Double-Edged Sword by Ian Whates

10/07/2024 16:29 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

The Double-Edged Sword cover

The Double-Edged Sword by Ian Whates

(NewCon Press, 2023)

Reviewed by Susan Speak

Ian Whates is active in British science-fiction in almost every way possible. He is a writer—novels, novellas, short stories—an anthologist, a publisher (NewCon Press), and a BSFA director. Possibly the only thing he doesn’t do is SF art. He has a distinctive writing style which, at its best, has a Gaimanesque quality (e.g. ‘Knowing How to Look’ in his short story collection The Gift of Joy). So I found that reviewing his novella, The Double-Edged Sword, seemed like picking a pebble off a beach—but a rewarding and interesting pebble.

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Review from BSFA Review 23 - Download your copy here.


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