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BSFA Review: Dragonfall by L.R. Lam

06/07/2024 09:36 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

Dragonfall cover

Dragonfall by L.R. Lam

(Hodderscape, 2023)

Reviewed by John Dodd

Everen was the last male dragon, and the chosen one, the one who would right all the wrongs and give back the dragons their place in the world. Except this did not come to pass and he found himself trapped in the form of man, there to wander the world without purpose, hoping for what he had lost.

Across the gulf of universes, the dragons left behind, including his sister and his mother, try to find a way to get through to him, there to give him the purpose and direction that he needs, which will come from befriending a human, and then using that human as a sacrifice to allow the dragons their rightful place in the world.

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Review from BSFA Review 23 - Download your copy here.


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