Sing Me to Sleep by Gabi Burton
(Hodder & Stoughton, 2023)
Reviewed by Steven French
Saoirse Sorkova is the best of the best, the top of her graduating class who wins the brutal hand-to-hand combat that is the ‘Ranking’, to be offered a coveted place as a member of Prince Hayes’ personal guard. She is also a Siren, the last of her race who were exterminated by Keirdre’s fae rulers, who allowed only witches and humans to remain—the former for their magical abilities and the latter for their role as servants. As such she also works a side-gig as an assassin, luring ‘marks’ to their doom on the orders of her employer. However, one of her targets turns out to be a personal friend of the prince and when he takes over the investigation into the murders, Saoirse, with her true identity magically hidden, finds herself aiding the very fae who are hunting her.
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