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BSFA Review: Beyond the Burn Line by Paul McAuley

22/08/2023 18:50 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

Beyond the Burn Line cover

Beyond the Burn Line by Paul McAuley

(Gollancz, 2022)

Reviewed by by Nick Hubble

Beyond the Burn Line defies easy categorisation. It is simultaneously the tale of a far-future post-Anthropocene Earth and a first-contact novel. The first half is a somewhat leftfield quest adventure set in a just-about preindustrial society. The second half is a high-tech thriller, complete with unreliable AIs and action scenes in exotic locations. If this sounds potentially bewildering, have no fear because the novel is such a beautifully written, character-driven and enchanting narrative, that it is a delight to immerse oneself within. I think a key reason for the intense readerly pleasure I experienced lay precisely in the way that Beyond the Burn Line combines so many types of stories that I like and does something meaningful with them.

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