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BSFA Review: Fractured Infinity by Nathan Tavares

24/04/2023 19:32 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

Fractured Infinity cover

Fractured Infinity by Nathan Tavares

(Titan Books, 2022)

Reviewed by Stuart Carter

What would you do if you had an evil other-dimensional twin? Worse, what if that same twin was the genius who first discovered how to skip between parallel worlds? You’d probably do what Hayes Figueiredo does in Fractured Infinity: grab the love of your life and run as fast and as far as you could across the multiverse.

Things didn’t start that way. The first Hayes knew of his evil twin, he was picked up by a top-secret research lab that had discovered a machine that could see the past and predict the future. So, why did they need Hayes? He’s nobody; the lab’s top scientist calls him ‘nondescript’, just a small-time documentary filmmaker. Or at least, that’s all he is in this universe. However, there’s a version of Hayes in one particular universe who’s very special; so special, in fact, that he’s invented a machine called an Envisioner, and has sent hundreds, maybe thousands of them, out across the multiverse. In Hayes’ universe a space probe on the edge of the solar system has found an Envisioner and brought it back to Earth for further investigation.

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