What Not by Rose Macaulay
(MIT Press, 2022)
Reviewed by Phil Nicholls
MIT Press has released What Not by Rose Macaulay as part of a series of Radium Age SF novels. The Radium Age is defined as 1903 to 1934, a period bookended by Marie Curie’s discovery of radium and her later death. Introductions from Joshua Glenn and Matthew De Abaitua put the MIT Press project into context, as well as describe the background and influence of What Not.
Originally published in 1919, What Not presents a satirical view of Britain after World War One. At its heart is the Ministry of Brains, which seeks to eradicate the stupidity which led the world into the great war. This seemingly sensible idea is portrayed satirically as the Ministry introduces increasingly draconic laws designed to prevent lower-intelligence people from having babies.
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