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BSFA Review: A Visit to Venus by George E. Hobbs

27/09/2022 20:09 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

A Visit to Venus cover

A Visit to Venus by George E. Hobbs

(Hobnob Press, 2021)

Reviewed by Andy Sawyer

It would probably be fair to say George E. Hobbs is unknown to sf fans. He is certainly not featured in the Encyclopedia of Science Fiction, nor Brian Stableford’s Scientific Romance in Britain 1890-1950. Hobnob Press have masterminded a revival of this Swindon based author, a railway engineer most of whose works were produced for the local newspaper. A prolific writer of fiction and non-fiction (often on religious topics), Hobbs turned to sf on a number of occasions. This, the third book of his work published by Hobnob, is a long short story in which three young men journey to Venus and find a spiritually advanced race there. It was serialised in the Swindon Advertiser in 1927 and seems to have remained unknown since.

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