Welcome to the BSFA If you are interested in Science Fiction, then you've come to the right place. The British Science Fiction Association's mission is to support and promote SF in all its forms. We're glad you've found us. Becoming a member of the BSFA puts you in touch with like-minded people across the country and beyond; whilst linking you to a rich tradition and enabling you to contribute to a vibrant future. Many groundbreaking figures in Science Fiction have been members throughout its history, and many more continue to be today. Membership means you gain access to our publications, some of which are in print and others in electronic format. Once you join, on this website you can log in (top right) and gain access to our digital editions (click on publications, it will be an option at the bottom of the menu - members digital editions). ABOUT THE BSFAThe BSFA was created by a group of fans in 1958, and was soon established and run as an official national body by readers, authors, critics, editors, booksellers and publishers with the aim of appreciating and encouraging science fiction in every form. Today, the BSFA is a vibrant and growing national organisation of science fiction writers, readers and scholars. We maintain an active discussion on Facebook and are regularly tweeting and retweeting about science fiction in all its forms. | FEATUREDTwitter bsfa |