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BSFA members receive all BSFA publications. Some BSFA content is also made freely available to members and non-members alike. If you are a writer, critic, reviewer, or interviewer, and interested in contributing something, please get in touch with the relevant editor. You don't necessarily have to be a BSFA member to write for our publications. 


Vector is the critical journal of the BSFA, publishing in-depth articles, interviews, and reviews on SFF and diverse topics in technology, science, society and culture. It caters to a diverse audience of both scholars and non-academic fans.

Vector is published both as a print journal (two to three issues per year) and an online magazine. It is open to submissions on a rolling basis.

Edited by Polina Levontin and Jo Lindsay Walton.



Edited by Dev Agarwal, Focus is the BSFA’s magazine for writers, packed with articles, tips, recommendations, interviews, and reflections on the creative process of writing SFF.

Focus is usually published twice a year, and is always open to pitches and submissions.

The BSFA Review

Edited by Ruth Watkins, the BSFA Review is our most regular publication, a digital magazine filled with reviews of the latest genre fiction. We aim to cover as much of the SFF field as possible, whether it is traditional or contemporary science fiction and/or fantasy. We are also interested in fiction and non-fiction material that is not directly SFF but may be of related interest to the genre, including themes like horror and war. This means that as well as fiction and non-fiction we also try to feature reviews of comics, graphic novels, spoken word, films, plays, and exhibitions.

BSFA Review 24 cover


Fission is our annual anthology of science fiction, edited by Eugen Bacon and Gene Rowe. Fission aspires to connect and grow science fiction communities around the world, and collaborates with the Spanish publication Celsius in story swaps for Spanish-English translations respectively.

Fission 4 cover

Special Publications

In recent years the BSFA has also started publishing a mini-anthology of fiction and non-fiction associated with the BSFA Awards. There are also occasional one-off special publications for members: in 2015, The Best of Vector: The State of the Art ed. Paul Kincaid and Maureen Kincaid Speller was published, and in 2018 its sequel, Through the Decades: Sixty Years of the BSFA 1958-2018, ed. Alex Bardy.

Historical Publications

Between 1960 and 1963 the BSFA published The BSFA Newsletter, which became The BSFA Bulletin between 1965 and 1972, later relaunched briefly as The BSFA Newsletter again and then as Matrix from 1975 to 2011, gradually focusing more on SFF in TV and media.

The reviews zine Paperback Parlour was published between 1977 and 1980; this ignited into Paperback Inferno from 1980 to 1992, before merging into Vector. The Vector vesicle eventually became The BSFA Review, before striking out again in 2017, its current form.

In 1965 and then again in 1977-1978, the BSFA also published Tangent, a fiction magazine.

There have also been plenty of other interventions over the years, some of which you may be able to discover in places like the Science Fiction Encyclopedia, the Internet Speculative Fiction Database, and the Fanac Fan History Project.

The BSFA Newsletter

We also have a regular email newsletter (about once per month) to keep members informed and share items of interest to SFF communities.


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